Recruiting and Seinfeld – A show about nothing.

I am sure most of you have watched a Seinfeld episode or two, and even if you have not, you are probably aware that the premise of Seinfeld is a show about nothing. When you bring up the topic of recruiting articles, then you will also find that the large percentage of you feel that … Continue reading Recruiting and Seinfeld – A show about nothing.

Your Brand Sucks. You spoke. I listened. I heard. Now what?

Over the last few months some of you have provided me some very helpful advice on the brand related to my company. The majority of you were polite, but I could also read in between the lines, that some of you though my old brand sucked (looks like a clowns wig, Rob) So as any … Continue reading Your Brand Sucks. You spoke. I listened. I heard. Now what?